School Reopens Tomorrow

Summer break has come and gone, and students and staff will soon be returning to school.

The Labrador school board is re-opening the schools tomorrow.

Coastal communities on the coast hold their annual blessings and welcoming at their local Church with services before school starts.

As the first day of school nears, many parents are wondering what the children need for school supplies.

Here is a list of school supplies that will be needed for this year:

Kindergarten students will need: a school bag, sneakers, and scribblers (4 in a pack), glue sticks, pencils, erasers, scissors, and crayons/pencil crayons.

As for Elementary students from grades 4-6, they will need: 8 pencils, scissors, 2 erasers, pencil crayons, a 30 cm ruler, 2 glue sticks, 1 pack of loose leaf, a calculator, geometry set, 4 packs of exercise books, 1 pack of graph paper, a book bag, sneakers and drinking cup.

The Junior and Senior high school students from grades 7-12 supply list includes: 2 packages of pencils, erasers, pens, whiteout, pencil sharpener, indoor shoes, book bag, drinking cup/ water bottle, scientific calculator (that must have sine,cosign, and tangent buttons on it), geometry set, loose leaf, graph paper, 7 exercise books, and binders.