NL Hydro to Increase Electricity Rates

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro costumers can expect an increase in their electricity rates this summer.

A representative for NL Hydro says people can expect to see the increase on their July bill.

The Public Utilities Board of Newfoundland and Labrador will determine the rate of increase in the next couple of weeks.

The NL Hydro representative says the reason for the increase is the rising cost of fuel.

One thought on “NL Hydro to Increase Electricity Rates

  1. NainNunatsiavutNews

    That Hydro Rep. couldn’t provide an approximate of what we’d might see on our bills? Also, is Hydro in cahoots with the the gas/oil industry?

    It is a one thing to be punished with the high cost of living when it comes to food and oil/gas, but to have the same added to our Hydro! This is where our Nunatsiavut Government should step in, and provide either some sort of cost relief to its beneficiaries, or impliment a subsidy.

    I wonder if NL Hydro has the courage to contact all of its customers, of this hike in billing?

    With the way everything is going for Labrador’s Coastal Communities, the Province, Feds and NG should get together and create connecting roads so that our cost of living can be lessened. And I’m sure with the likes of Voisey’s Bay (Vale) and the uranium exploration/mining companies looking for cheaper alternatives, I’m sure they would help fork the bill to construct these roads. Because this would be a short-term loss, but a long-term gain when it comes to cheaper hydro, fuel and transportation of goods and services.

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