Lawyers Meeting With Claimants Under Residential School Survivors Class Action (Audio)

The lawyers involved in the Labrador residential school survivor’s class action lawsuit have been in the region over the past few days providing an update on the status of the claim.

Two of the lawyers representing the survivors, Steven Cooper and Ches Crosbie, met with claimants in Happy Valley-Goose Bay over the weekend.

The pair met with survivors in Nain on Monday morning.

Their next stop is in the community of Hopedale on Monday evening.

Cooper says they’re taking the opportunity to discuss the current status of the claim.

He also says they’re stressing the importance of survivors coming forward and adding their names to their client list.

The lawyers are also looking for materials related to residential school days that may help them illustrate what it was like.

We dropped by their meeting with the residential school survivors in Nain on Monday morning.

Click here to hear Cooper and Crosbie provide more on the current status of the class action lawsuit.