HVGB winter lights contest

The community of Happy Valley-Goose Bay (HV-GB) will have a Winter Lights Decorating Contest.

This year, all residents are eligible to register their own residential and business properties for the contest, or they can nominate their neighbor’s residence or business.

The nominator must give their name and the name and address of the residence or business.

For the top three best decorated homes, regardless of which section of town they are from, the prize for first place will get a $200 gift certificate, second place gets a $100 gift certificate, and third place gets a $50 gift certificate.

The prize for the Best Decorated Business will have an hour of skating at the E.J. Broomfield Memorial Arena

Residents of HV-GB can vote online in a form to determine the winners for the contest.

For people without online access, call the town office. The vote will be submitted by a town office staff member.

Registration starts immediately, voting starts at 6pm on Monday, December 18 until midnight of Wednesday, December 20th. Winners will be announced on the town’s website and the Facebook page on December 21 at 4pm.

To register both residential and business properties or got questions, people of HV-GB can call the town office at 709-896-3321 or email DirCSR@townhvgb.com