Excellent Turnout in Nain for Take Back the Night

On Friday September 23 rd, 2011 the Take back the Night March was held in Nain.

We spoke with Rutie Lampe who is the Community health worker.

She says this year was a great turn out with more then ninety participants mainly woman and children.

Lampe says the Nain transition house gave each participant a T-shirts and a candle to hold during the walk. She says members of the Nain RCMP joined in the march.

An opening prayer was said by Rutie Lampe before the walk which began and ended at the DHSD building.

She says after the walk they celebrated with a Community barbeque.

Tickets were given to each of the participants for a draw on a Desktop commuter.
The lucky winner of the draw went to Sidney Pijogge.

A clothing give away also went ahead after the community barbeque.

Lampe says she would like to thanks all participants to support a great case.