Young Men’s Day Update

There’s less than a week left to the celebration for Young Men’s Day in Nain.
It will take place this Sunday January 25.
Richard Haye is the Captain.
He says 15 boys will be having their day this year.
Haye says it’s not too late to join if you are interested in having your day.
The celebration will be held at the Nain Fire hall.

The cooks and helpers will be Kitura Solomon, Miriam Lidd, Maria Ikkusek, Matt Barbour and Jacko A Jararuse.

Haye says they are still looking for another captain to help hold the event.

So far the Nain Recreation and NICG are helping by providing their food and ribbons for their day.

Haye says they are still waiting to see if any other organizations will be making donations for the young men’s day celebration.

Haye says he encourages all parents to look for traditional clothing for their young boys’ celebration.

This includes suits, silapak, hats and decorations for their hats.
They are also looking for a Christmas tree.
Haye says they held a meeting last evening at the arena.
They will be holding another meeting this evening upstairs in the arena at 7pm.