Year End Review for November 2020

Here’s the year end review for November 2020:

On Nov 2, a test determined a false positive COVID-19 Case in Voisey’s Bay Mine Site, the case turned out to be negative after the second test was done.

Nov 3, the Community Enhancement Programs were underway in Nain and Makkovik for people who needed more hours to qualify for their EI.

The Daycares in Rigolet, Makkovik and Hopedale re-opened August 29, but had to make some changes in their programs due to COVID-19, the Nain daycare Pigutsavik opened its doors on Oct 13, after the staff finished their Early Childhood Education Certificate courses on Oct 9, the staff also had to make changes in the programs.

Nov 4, an unexpected earthquake happened in Makkovik in the early hours, the residents were awakened by a loud sound, which shook the land and homes. Stephen Halchuck the Seismologist for Canadian hazards Information Services reported not one but two earthquakes were reported within 20 km range.

Nov 5, for the annual Guy Fawk’s night, people were reminded to keep safety top of their mind and check with local fire departments and municipalities due to the pandemic and restricted gatherings.

Nov 6, the annual moose hunt was another success at Gross Morne for NG, with 30 licenses bagged.

A virtual Cross Country Running took place from the schools in Nain, Natuashish, Hopedale, Makkovik, Rigolet, North West River and Goose Bay.

Nov 11, The world awaited a reliable vaccine for the novel Corona Virus.

Also Founder of Newfoundcare, a company dive deeper into the issue of bullying and how rampart the problem is in the province.

NG looks forward to a new relationship with Government of NL following a meeting in Nain with Premier, Andrew Furey.

And the Atlantic Canada Airports Association called the region Premiers to implement arrival testing protocols for domestic passengers to help ease quarantine times for everyone moving through the region by air.

And Remembrance Day Assembly Ceremonies were cancelled for all NL Schools but each class held their own one virtually.

Nov 12, Huge donations from the Single Parents Association arrived to Nain, Hopedale, Makkovik and Rigolet from St. John’s.

The 36th Annual RCMP Volleyball Tournament was announced and will go ahead, but it will only have the residents to participate due to COVID-19 on Nov 19 at 4pm.

Nov 13, Government of Canada invests new building freight storages for the North Coast Communities.

Nov 16, The province announced travel will not be expanded for Christmas while families await to hear word on travels.

Nov 17, Programs at the Aboriginal Family Friendship Centre, First Light in St. John’s was going well after they closed down due to COVID-19.

The Makkovik Moravian Church Ladies Sewing Circle Christmas sale was cancelled, so all their handcrafts were donated to Carol Gear’s on line Auction for Nov 18-25th.

Nov 19, Daffodil Place, the home away from home for cancer patients held a Radiothon to raise funds to operate.

And the price’s of fuel was frozen for the north coast of Labrador, Nunatsiavut.

Nov 26, TRHA continues construction on new homes and repairs and waited for cupboards to arrive on the Kamutik W. Two more earthquakes were reported 6 km Northeast of Makkovik, the first was a magnitude of 3.7 before 4am, and 3.5 magnitude few minutes later 4 km away.

Nov 27, big changes was announced for the Annual Moravian Churches Candle Light Services and Watchnight services to be done virtually due to the pandemic.