Twins Flames Performing in Nain

The band Twin Flames will soon be performing in Nain.

Twin Flames are a captivating duo that combines two very unique songwriters: Chelsey June, a Métis woman, and Jaaji, an Inuk/Mohawk man from Nunavik.

Compliments of the Ulapitsaijet Steering Committee, Twin Flames will be performing at the Jeremias Sillitt Community Centre.

OK Radio Spoke with Carla Pamak, the Chairperson for Ulapitsaijet.

She says that the performance will be on Saturday July 29, 2017 at 7 pm.

It will be open to the public, and also free of charge.

Pamak added that Twin Flames will be staying a few more days to meet with the youth at the upcoming Youth Summit.