TB Update: 30 Cases in 2014-2015

As of October 8, 2015, According to Allan Bock, the Regional Director of Communications, the Labrador-Grenfell Health (LGH) Region has seen a large number of tuberculosis (TB) cases- 5 in 2014 and 25 in 2015.

There are two separate clusters or outbreaks in the region, in Nain and Happy Valley-Goose Bay (HVGB).

The majority of confirmed TB cases in Nain are linked to cases that were identified in October and the Majority of Confirmed TB cases in Happy Valley-Goose Bay are linked to cases that were identified in December 2014.

As of this date, almost 800 contacts in Nain and Happy Valley-Goose Bay have been investigated.

Nursing staff with the LGH and Nunatsiavut Public Health took part in education sessions in Happy Valley-Goose Bay on September 22 and 23, 2015.

Public health Nurses with Nunatsiavut DHSD are providing public health follow-up in Nain and Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

Nain Residents who have a concern or question about their health can call the clinic at 922-2912 to make an appointment.

Residents of Happy Valley-Goose Bay who have a concern or question can schedule an appointment with their family physician or contact a Public Health Nurse by calling 897-2331.

Regular TB clinics are held at the LGH, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, involving a physician and the communicable Disease Control Nurse.

A TB outbreak team, comprised of representatives from Labrador-Grenfell Health, Nunatsiavut, the Chief Medical Officer of Health, and the Provincial Government meet regularly to assess developments in TB Outbreaks.