Premier Furey Sends his Condolences to William Barbour’s Friends and Family

Premier Furey Offers Condolences to Friends and Family of William Barbour.

The Honorable Andrew Furey, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, is expressing his deepest sympathies to the friends and family of William Barbour.

Mr. Barbour was a long-time president of the Labrador Inuit Association and played a key role in negotiating a land claims and self-government agreement.

He was also an integral part of the first Nunatsiavut Assembly.

He held an unwavering commitment in ensuring the rights and culture of Labrador Inuit were protected, and his legacy lives on.

This is a time of great sorrow for his friends and family.

He will be missed.

To honor Mr. Barbour’s life and legacy, flags have been lowered to half-mast at Confederation Building in St. John’s.