Premier Ball Announces Muskrat Falls Public Inquiry

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador announced yesterday that it will be proceeding with a public inquiry into the Muskrat Falls Project.

The Honourable Dwight Ball, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, announced the appointment of Justice Richard D. LeBlanc as the sole Commissioner of Inquiry, in accordance with Part I of the Public Inquiries Act, 2006.

Justice LeBlanc will begin his work as Commissioner in January 2018.

A biography of Justice LeBlanc can be found in the backgrounder below.

The inquiry will provide a greater understanding of:

Whether all options were considered at the time of sanctioning the project,
why there are significant differences between the actual cost of the project and the estimated cost at the time of sanction, and whether it was justified and reasonable for the project to be excluded from oversight by the Public Utilities Board.

According to a press release by the NL government, the Muskrat Falls Inquiry responds to concerns to have the project reviewed as soon as possible, and represents the best option to independently review the Muskrat Falls Project.

In addition, the public inquiry maximizes transparency and provides for an independent assessment of the issues raised in the terms of reference.

The terms of reference for the inquiry, also announced today, can be found online at

The inquiry is expected to take approximately two years for completion, with the final report due December 31, 2019.