Postville Marathon

The Postville running marathon went really well according to one of the co-organizers Tyler Edmunds.

Edmunds says that there were 23 runners who took part in the five kilometer run.

Edmunds says ages ranged from an 11 year old runner to a 72 year old.

Edmunds added that Samantha Jacque took first place, while Kayla Andersen took second and Grant Gear took third place.

He also says that all participants who signed up for this weekend’s event received North face water bottles, gloves, and t-shirts.

And Edmunds says that there were other draws as well for other gift items.

Edmunds says that the weather was really nice for this first annual Aulajuk Tamammik marathon.

Edmunds and the co-organizers would like to thank Air Labrador and Philip Earle, Trap line Marathon and Bernadette Grid for assisting in this event.