NL Budget: How It May Affect You

The Newfoundland and Labrador budget includes job cuts, spending reductions and even some increases for programs.

The budget will affect people in different ways, depending on whom you are and where you live.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Government is raising the tax on cigarettes by 30 cents for an average pack.

So each cigarette will cost one and a half cents more.

The government expects to pull in an extra $8 million through this increase.

As for income tax payers, your taxes are not going to increase.

If you’re a post-secondary student enrolled at Memorial University (MUN) or the College of the North Atlantic, your tuition fees remain frozen.

Fees at MUN have been frozen since the Liberal government, and have become some of the lowest in the country.

For the ferry service, rates are going up by 10 per cent.

That’s the first rate increase in seven years.

The government notes that more than 90 per cent of the costs of running the provincial ferry service is publicly subsidized.