Happy Valley-Goose Bay has a municipal patrol set up to protect kids taking the trail from the high school to Tim Horton’s.
It’s gotten so bad as homes, businesses and cars have been broken into.
Almost every night, some Happy Valley-Goose Bay residents hear screams in the night behind their homes, or have to slam on the brakes when a person jumps out in front of their car.
(NLHC) Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corp helps homeless families in permanent or temporary housing, usually organized by the homeless coalition.
Nunatsiavut Government’s, Michelle Kinney who runs the local Housing Hub agrees, and says, “There are a lot of discussions happening. There’s discussion around a purpose-built facility for Happy Valley-Goose Bay which would offer shelter spaces, individual apartments, board and lodging, bedsitter kind of arrangements, as well as community supports “
If an overflow of over 14 people happens to come for an overnight stay, they are referred to the NLHC emergency housing. They pay to put them in the Labrador Inn which holds 68 rooms at the hotel.