Moravian Church Celebrates Reverend Hopes Ordination

Sunday, September 25th was a big and special for the Moravian Church of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Beatrice Hope who is originally from Nain and has lived in Happy Valley, Goose Bay was the first Inuk woman to be ordained as Moravian Church Minister.
Bishop Paul Graf conducted the ordination service at 11 AM on Sunday at the Moravian Church in Happy Valley, where Rev Hope was joined by her family and friends.
Rev. Beatrice Hope will now serve in the community of Hopedale and is on her way there on the Northern Ranger, as we speak.
One of the OKalaKatiget radio producers was there and spoke to Hope after her ordination.
We will air the interview on our Labrador Memories show after AtjiKangitut this afternoon.
The recording of the actual ordination service will be aired on our Sunday afternoon program.
Congratulations and Good Luck to Rev. Beatrice Hope and her family from the OKalaKatiget Society.