LMI to Commence South Coast Freight and Passenger Service Early

Labrador Marine Inc. announced that freight and passenger service from Goose Bay to Cartwright and Black Tickle will commence on July 3, more than a week earlier than originally planned.

In addition, LMI announced that Rigolet will be added as a port of call on both legs of the southbound service in 2020.

“This has been the earliest start to the season in several years,” said LMI President and CEO Peter Woodward. “We have already completed two trips to the North coast.

There is freight on hand at the terminal for Black Tickle. We want to deliver that freight as soon as possible so that people have the supplies that they need.”

The Kamutik W travels by Rigolet on both legs of the southbound run. LMI determined that it made sense to add Rigolet as a port of call.

“Many people travel between Rigolet and Goose Bay,” says Woodward. “This provided additional convenience to people in that community. Our service is their highway.”

All departures from Goose Bay for the south coast will be at 3pm on Friday’s, beginning July 3.