What’s Happening in Hopedale

The Hopedale Inuit Community Government (HIGC) has three job postings out.

Wayne Piercy is the AngajukKak for the Community Government.

He says the 3 postings are a result of their community enhancement program.

The HICG received $16, 000.00 for their program.

The successful applicants will be working for the Moravian Complex.

They will be archiving materials and preserving documents.

Candidates have to have 400 hours or less in order to qualify for the program.

Piercy says that for example, if somebody needs a hundred hours, they would qualify to work under the program.

Then they’ll go to the next candidate who may need the same number of hours to qualify for their EI benefits.

They have 5-6 applicants to date.

They hope to have people hired by Friday November 30, and work will start Tuesday December 4th.

The make work project will continue until March 31st, 2013.

On another note, Piercy says that the Labrador Investments in Hopedale have received about 80% of their winter supply.

In spite of that, Piercy is concerned about how slow things are running.

He feels that if nothing changes they will have many disruptions.

In other news for the community of Hopedale, they have shipped out 567 bags of PCB contaminated materials and soils.

The bags were shipped out on November 14th.

The Nunatsiavut Group of Companies allowed the HICG to use their tug and barge to ship the materials out to Quebec.

Piercy adds that they’ve received a commitment from the Province to have the remaining 602 bags shipped out this season.

Terry French, the former Minister for Environment and Conservation, gave the commitment to AngajukKak Piercy.