Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is a big event whereby everyone comes together to celebrate by dressing up, and to get or give out treats.

It’s especially a big event for children who love to go trick or treating.

Here are some great Halloween safety tips for parents to ensure your child has a safe and happy Halloween:

1. Get a good fitted costume, and make sure you choose costumes that fit correctly so your little ones won’t trip and fall.

If using a mask, check and see that your child can see and breathe properly.

2. Stay visible, especially while walking around, by using reflective tape to make their costumes visible in the dark, and carry flashlights or glow sticks for more visibility to passing cars.

Make sure that a responsible adult accompanies your children when they are out trick-or-treating.

3. Talk about how they always need to stay together as a group, and never let a child or pair of children go off on their own.

And be sure to check all treats before allowing children to eat them.

Drivers are asked to reduce their speed significantly and use extra caution, especially in residential areas.