Gasoline Flown into Hopedale

Gasoline has been flown into Hopedale following a gas shortage in the community last week.

Hopedale AngajukKak Wayne Piercy says 68 drums of the fuel were flown into the community from Nain over the weekend.

A limit of 10 gallons per costumer per day has been placed on the gasoline.

Piercy says he’s satisfied with that amount considering that many people aren’t going on the land at the time being.

He adds that limit might be a bit slim when people begin to go out in speed boat.

The gasoline stopped pumping last week for about a day when the fuel fell below the levels needed to pump.

A temporary fix allowed the fuel to begin pumping again.

A representative for the supplier, the Woodward Group of Companies, said at that time that gasoline was available to be flown in from Nain if need be.