Annie Lidd on National Aboriginal Day (Audio)

Happy Aboriginal Day to everyone!

National Aboriginal Day is a day recognising and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada.

The day was first celebrated in 1996, after it was proclaimed that year by then Governor General of Canada, Roméo LeBlanc.

The 21st of June was chosen as the holiday for many reasons-including its cultural significance as the Summer solstice, and the fact that it is a day on which many Aboriginal groups traditionally celebrate their heritage.

The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples recommended that a National First Peoples Day be designated.

Also in that same year, a national conference of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people chaired by Elijah Harper, titled The Sacred Assembly, called for a national holiday to celebrate the contributions of Aboriginal peoples to Canada.

Annie Lidd of Nain has participated in the national aboriginal day events since the beginning.

Lidd participates in the traditional clothing contest, and has won many prizes.

To find out more from Lidd, click here.