Torngat Mountains Caribou Results of a Spring 2017 Aerial Survey

Torngat Wildlife, Plants and Fisheries Secretariat released the full report on the results of a spring 2017 aerial survey of the Torngat Mountains Caribou Herd.

The first aerial survey was conducted back in 2014 with an estimated herd size of 930.

The second aerial survey was conducted in 2017 with an estimated herd size of 1,326.

It is still too early to predict if the increasing population trend of the Torngat caribou will continue in the short term.

Survey findings can serve as a baseline for further monitoring of the herd in support of management considerations.

Despite positive signs over the last several years, the Torngat herd is small and isolated, appears to be completely absent from southern portions of its historical range, and should be managed with care.

For the full report you can visit

OK Radio will have more on the report of the Torngat Mountains Caribou herd once it becomes available.