Resolution Health Support Worker

Consultations for Residential School Survivors will be taking place in each of the North Communities this month into December.

The first phase of the consultations started in Nain last Monday and finish today.

Rutie Lampe is the DHSD Resolution Health Support Worker.

Her work is involved with Newfoundland and Labrador Residential School Settlement Agreement Healing Program.

The goal of her travel is to hear from Residential School survivors and their families on Healing Programs and Social Activities DHSD could offer for the Newfoundland and Labrador Residential School Settlement Agreement.

You are invited to attend these meetings to discuss what programs and support you would like for this.

Here’s the list which community Lampe will be in the following months:

Makkovik- October 8-12, 2018, Hopedale- October 22-26th,
Postville- November 5- 8th, Rigolet- November 19- 23rd,
Goose Bay and North West River- December 3- 7th.

For more information contact Rutie Lampe at 709- 922- 2126 ext 231 or email