October 2020 Year End Review

Year End Review for Oct 1, 2020:

A new COVID-19 case was reported in Labrador Grenfell Health on Sept 30, travel related from Saskatchewan to the province. Also NG support programs were suspended pending review and to be re-evaluated.

Oct 6, the Inuttitut Facebook Live classes concluded at the end September as a pilot project. NG presidential election opened today from 8am – 8pm.

Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation raised $2,845,187 for the annual telethon.

Oct 7, the presidential election unofficial results were released, Johannes Lampe won with 1,015 votes and Andrea Webb with 533 votes.

Oct 8, All NG COVID-19 Emergency Relief Programs was suspended to be evaluated later with the exception of cleaning supplies.

Oct 9, additional MCP Services became available through MyGovNl platform to renew accounts for their dependents.

Oct 13, the dates for Flu shot clinic in Nain was set up to Oct 26-29.

Oct 15, Federal Government announced funds amounted $97,000 for the Nain Transition House. Also on this day, after two years the population of the George River Herd had increased to 8,100 animals compared to 5,500 in 2018, but the ban remain same since 2013.

Oct 20, another huge donation was announced that will arrive for all of Nunatsiavut towns, which was The Single Parents Association in St. John’s.

Oct 21, saw the Swear-In-Ceremony for NG’s President, Johannes Lampe at 2pm in front of the Illusuak Cultural Centre in Nain. Also at Illusuak at 5pm a supper was held for Residential School Survivors, and unveiled a residential School Apology Plaque.

Oct 23, the Nunatsiavut School held Jamarama Day to help fundraise for Janeway.

Oct 27, establishing the Mealy Mountains Park has been an issue for long time, and the first ever meeting on it was held in Rigolet and it went well with more meetings upcoming for March this year.

Oct 29, MasterCard Foundation made donations to the country’s 4 Inuit regions to help educational efforts during COVID-19, as a recipient NG purchased school supplies and learning materials for children to have at home.

Oct 30, the Nain Inuit Community Government celebrated its 50th Anniversary and due to COVID-I9 they had to prevent the gathering.

The annual Halloween Night went ahead and children went door to door, with much precaution.