Nunatsiavut Government Assembly Sitting

The Nunatsiavut Assembly will be sitting from Tuesday September 19 – Thursday September 21, 2023. (Next week)

During this sitting, Members of the Assembly will receive a presentation from a company called “Torngat Metals”.

This company was previously known as Quest Minerals, working on the Strange Lake deposit on the Quebec side, near the Labrador boarder.

Torngat Metals plan to mine the rare earth minerals at Strange Lake, and construct a road from Strange Lake to the port at Voisey’s Bay Mine Site. This is to export the rare earth minerals.

Barbour is looking for input from Nainimiut before they leave for Hopedale on Monday September 18, 2023.

Please contact Roxanne Barbour at 922-2942 ext. 224
Or 709 899 1149
fax: 922-1040
or drop by her office at the Nain Admin. Building.

You can also send a Facebook message to the Nain Constituency Office of the Nunatsiavut Assembly Facebook Page.