National Indigenous Day

National Indigenous Peoples Day is an opportunity for Labrador Inuit to promote and celebrate our cultural heritage and way of life, and to recognize the tremendous contributions made by those who have gone before us in helping us adapt to the ever-increasing changes in today’s modern society.

Labrador Inuit continue to struggle with the impacts of forced resettlement and residential schools, of maintaining our identity and our language. While we cannot change the past, or the negative consequences of historical oppression, we remain steadfast in our determination to control our destiny.

As a vibrant people, we have demonstrated repeatedly our creativity, resourcefulness, strength and determination.

These traits define us and allow us to remain connected to each other and to the land and the waters that have sustained us for generations.

While this day is set aside to reflect on the many contributions Canada’s Indigenous peoples have made, and continue to make, to our great country, it is also a time where we, as Labrador Inuit, celebrate our place in history.

I am proud to be a Labrador Inuk, of our past and the accomplishments we have achieved. While we will continue to face many challenges on the road to self-determination, I am confident we are heading in the right direction. The future is in our hands!