Nain Young Men’s Traditional Day

It is the Young Men’s Traditional Festival Day in Nain today.

There are 11 young men celebrating their day; some are first timers and some had their day last year.

Joan Dicker is the Manager of the Illusuak Cultural Centre.

She says they attended their first church service at 10 am.

Dicker says the cooks are busy at the fire hall cooking the meals for the day.

The young men are planning on going to go to the school for visits, and will have a free afternoon before church service at 3pm; that will be without a love feast.

The parents and guardians will be going to Illusuak for a meal at 3 pm, the closing church service will be held at 5 pm, and after that, the Nain Brass Band will go down to play some tunes at the Illusuak Cultural Centre, there will be no hand shaking during that time.

The young men will have supper after that and close off for the night.

Tune into today’s Labrador Memories when we re-air the interview we had with Gordon Obed on what he remembers from Young Men’s Day.