Hopedale ICG

The town of Hopedale is experiencing low water pressure since last week.

Wayne Piercy is the Angajukkak of the Inuit Community Government.

He says the low water pressure is being caused by a water leak in the community.

The maintenance crew is working to try and find where the leak is coming from.

Piercy says they dug one hole on Carpenters Drive, but the leak was not on that site.

In the meantime, they are pumping water from a second pond to the water dam to increase the water pressure and they have everything else running normal for the homes.

He says they plan to shut the water off, while they work and try to find where the leak is coming from.

Piercy says they hope to find out more by this afternoon.

In other Hopedale news, he says Inuit Community Government has received an amount of 6 million dollars from the Provincial Government for the PCB clean up that will be used over a three year period.

He says ICG has not held a meeting about the funds and the PCB cleanup as of yet.  When they meet they also plan to have discussions on the new Multi Purpose Centre.