Fire Safety day 6

Christmas lights add a festive cheer to everything from trees, to boats and homes during the holiday season – but they must be set up correctly to reduce the risk of fire. Take these steps to help ensure lights are managed safely this season:

Getting Started

  • Never use lit candles to decorate your tree;
  • Purchase the appropriate lights and accessories for the job, such as outdoor lights and extension cords for the exterior and interior lights for inside the home;
  • Consider LED lights as they are brighter, more energy-efficient and are less likely to overload electrical circuits;
  • Purchase the proper clips and hangers for your lights. Avoid using nails, screws and staples. These items damage cords and conduct electricity that can cause serious harm and increase fire risk;
  • Inspect light strings and extension cords for any sign of wear and tear before reusing them. Replace any light string that has worn or broken cords or loose bulb connections; and
  • Ensure extension cords have a rating that meets your needs, and if it is being used outside, the cord must be designated for exterior use. When an extension cord’s rating is exceeded, it can overheat and cause a fire.


  • Never overload electrical outlets;
  • Never use indoor-rated lights outside;
  • Avoid stringing different light types together. For example, do not plug a string of new LED lights into an older, incandescent one;
  • Never pinch extension cords by running them through doorways or windows; and
  • Always ensure plugs are fully inserted into outlets as weak connections can cause overheating and sparks.

Follow the department on Twitter @MAE_GovNL for more holiday safety tips during the holiday season.

The Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment wishes all residents a safe and happy holiday season. Thank you to all firefighters, fire departments, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Fire Services for your dedication throughout the year.