Donations Arranged by Susan Onalik (Audio to be added later)

More donations were brought to Provincial Airlines in St. John’s last week.

Susan Onalik from St. John’s who is originally from Nunatsiavut organized a huge donation of groceries last month.

She says after the media coverage she was contacted by The Single Parents Association and that they had a lot items that they would like to donate.

Items such as brand new toys, brand new clothing; not just for children but for men and women as well.

Onalik adds that the items will not just be for Nain, but for the other Nunatsiavut communities as well.

Stay tuned to AtjiKangitut today to find out more from Onalik on the donations.

And at 3:30 pm we will air the funding announcement that was done at the Nain Safe Hosue with MP Yvonne Jones and MHA Lela Evans.