Dolores/Fraser Community Visits (Audio to be added later)

Representatives from the Newfoundland and Labrador Association for Community Living in partnership with GovNL held a community session in Nain last evening.

Fraser Picket and Dolores Flynn made presentations at the Illusuak Cultural Center about Supported Living, Supported Employment, the Provincial Incentive Program and Registered Disability Savings Plan.

Flynn has been with NFLD and Labrador Association for 35 years.

Flynn says that they advocate for persons with disabilities to be included and transparent within their community.

There are programs and services that people with disabilities within the province that they can take advantage of and the organization can advocate for you.

Flynn and Picket will be travelling to Hopedale and Makkovik this week to inform residents of the work that they do.

Stay tuned to our Sunday Program to hear the English version from Delores and Fraser on September 12, 2021.