Children, Seniors and Social Development

As the province continues to move forward while living with COVID-19, the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development has begun reinstating in-person family visitation where it is in the best interest of children and youth in care.

The department recognizes the critical importance of in-person visitation for children, youth and their families to nurture and support relationships; to facilitate bonding and attachment between parents and their children; to promote cultural and community connection; and to facilitate reunification planning.

Working directly with individual families, the department’s social workers have begun developing plans specific to each family situation to prepare for reinstatement of in-person family visitation if it is physically safe to do so.

The department has reached out to community partners to advise them of this direction and is pleased with the support received.

The department will continue to rely on the expertise of the province’s Chief Medical Officer of Health to inform health decisions on this matter, recognizing that the safety of children, youth and their families and those who care for them is paramount, especially during this unprecedented time.

To reach the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development, please call 1-833-552-2368.

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