BMO and ITK Team Up

On March 1st, 2021, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami announced that BMO Financial Group (BMO) is working with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) to ensure that personal protective equipment is available to communities across Inuit Nunangat that needs it the most.

More than 113,900 masks, 563,000 wipes and 438 gallons of sanitizer have been delivered to help protect Inuit during this pandemic in communities throughout Nunavut, Nunavik, Inuvialuit and Nunatsiavut.

“I am grateful to the team at BMO for this contribution of personal protective equipment for Inuit regions at this critical time,” says President of ITK Natan Obed.

Mike Bonner is the head of BMO Canadian Business Banking, he says, “At BMO we have close and long standing relationships with Indigenous customers and communities across Canada through our Indigenous banking group and our Indigenous banking.

To date, nearly 150 thousand face masks, 500 gallons of sanitizer and 750 thousand wipes has been delivered to First Nations and Métis Communities from coast to coast and to Inuit communities across Inuit Nunangat.