AngajukKât, Community Corporation Chairs sworn-in as members of the Nunatsiavut Assembly

AngajukKât from each Labrador Inuit community and the chairs of the Inuit Community Corporations in Happy Valley-Goose Bay/Mud Lake and North West River, were sworn-in as Members of the Nunatsiavut Assembly today in Hopedale.


Nain: Julius (Joe) Dicker (won by acclamation)
Hopedale: Marjorie Flowers (incumbent)
Makkovik: Barry Andersen
Postville: Glenn Sheppard
Rigolet: Charlotte Wolfrey

Inuit Community Corporation Chairs NunaKatiget: (Happy Valley-Goose Bay/Mud Lake) Patricia Kemuksigak
Sivunivut: (North West River) Maxine Winters

The swearing-in ceremony was presided over by President Johannes Lampe, prior to the start of the fall sitting of the Nunatsiavut Assembly.