Hopedale Still Struggling With Water Emergency

There is a lot of work being done because of the low water pressure in Hopedale.

Today is day 4 since the town declared a State of Emergency.

Jim Tuttauk is the AngajukKak of the Inuit Community Government Office.

He says the maintenance crew have been dealing with water pipes freezing since December.

Because this is a 24/7 situation, ICG has hired on 2 locals to help out, while some of the maintenance crew get a break.

Tuttauk added one bit of good news is that the school is open today, where they managed to get the water problem solved.

But for how long is the question.

He says there were some pumps tripping yesterday when they were set up on the hill, so the workers had to check the pumps over.

There were a few more homes affected with low water pressure on the higher intersection of town this morning.

In the meantime, the town has enough bottled water left from what was flown in for a couple more days.

Tuttauk added they would like to send a big Thank You to Gabriele Rich of Sheshashui, who donated bottled water with the money he collected from his own recyclables.

We hope to have more coverage of the issue in Hopedale when it’s available.