3 New Cases in NL

Dr. Janice Fitzgerald announced three new cases of COVID-19 in Newfoundland and Labrador Sunday.

All three new cases are in the Eastern Health region. Two of the cases are related to international travel.

That brings the total number of cases in the province to nine, with five cases presumed positive in the last few days.

970 people have now been tested in the province, with 961 of those cases being negative.

Fitzgerald said she expects to see more cases of COVID-19 soon, adding “[I] wouldn’t be surprised if it’s double digits in near future.”

“We are at the beginning of this in Newfoundland and Labrador,” Fitzgerald said.

Health Minister John Haggie said rules surrounding COVID-19 could continue into the coming months, saying some rules could stay in effect until July.

According to Premier Dwight Ball, the House of Assembly will meet next Thursday to bring forward a loan bill to ask for financial assistance from the federal government.

Ball added the province will “not hesitate” to escalate the public health emergency currently in place, if necessary.

Story courtesy of CBCNL.