Protest Held in Nain (Audio)

Protests were being held in our region on Friday June 17th.

Protesters are against the flooding for Muskrat Falls, which will flood an area in the Lake Melville Region.

The Nunatsiavut government believes that flooding of the area will result in an increase of a toxic substance called Methyl Mercury.

A Harvard study has backed that claim.

Several studies indicate that methyl mercury is linked to subtle developmental deficits in children exposed in-utero such as loss of IQ points, and decreased performance in tests of language skills, memory function and attention deficits.

Methyl mercury exposure in adults has also been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack.

Protesters would like to see clearing of the area before flooding begins.

A protest was held in Nain at the airstrip on Friday as well.

M.P. for Labrador Yvonne Jones, M.H.A. for the Torngat Mountains District, Randy Edmunds, Grand-Chief of the Innu Nation, Anastasia Qupee, and Nunatsiavut Government President Johannes Lampe traveled the coast on Friday.

Protestors gathered to greet the traveling dignitaries.

Click here to hear from M.P. Jones, Chief Qupee, and MHA Edmunds.