Children Back at Daycare and Language Nests

The pre-school children, toddlers, and babies of Nain and Hopedale are back to Daycare and the Language Nest.

OK Radio spoke with Jenny Lyall, the Regional Child Care Coordinator.

Lyall says that registration started on September 7, 2016.

Both Daycares opened their doors on September 8.

Lyall says in Nain there are 18 children altogether: 12 in the Pre-school room, and 6 in the toddler room.

But there is room for 4 more children in each room.

In Hopedale, there are 14 children enrolled in Daycare.

There is no pre-school room or toddler room; there is just the one room.

As for the Language Nest, there are 3 babies in both of the communities at the moment.

She says there is room for more babies, but it all depends on the staff.

There is no pick up and drop off in Nain, because they are waiting for the van driver to get her class 4.

In Hopedale, there is pick up and drop off.

Lyall adds there are eight staff members in Nain, and six in Hopedale.