George River Caribou Herd Has Declined More (Audio)

Biologists from the Government of NL and Quebec predict that the George River Caribou herd in Labrador at the present rate of decline could be wiped out within five years if illegal hunting isn’t stopped.

Provincial Environment Minister, Perry Trimper says from the latest survey the animals have declined to 8,938.

He says biologists from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec and a representative from the Ungava Peninsula Aboriginal Round Table (UPCART) conducted the census in July.

Something has to be done to stop the population from declining.

Trimper says a hunting ban was implemented in 2013, but not everyone stopped taking the animals.

He goes on to say that illegal hunting has to stop.

Click here to hear Minister Trimper give you more information about the how low the population is now.