Food Security Network Holds Food First NL Summit (Audio)

The Food Security Network held the first Food Security Summit in Nain on June 23, 2016.

Regional Coordinator Martha Winters-Abel, Project Manager Gioia Montevechhi and Food Security workers from Nain and Hopedale held the Summit.

Community AngajukKâks and federal and provincial government officials were in attendance.

The Nunatsiavut Government was represented by President Johannes Lampe, First Minister Kate Mitchell, Minister of Economic Development Patricia Kemuksigak and Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development Michelle Kinney.

The purpose of the Summit was to exchange information on food security between all levels of government.

Click here to hear more from Winters-Abel and Montevechhi about the Summit, and some clips with Kitura Solomon of Nain, from the new website featuring the impact of their work.