Out-Going Nunatsiavut President Sarah Leo Speaks With OK (Audio)

In the past 4 years as Nunatsiavut Government President, Sarah Leo has seen many changes and improvements while representing Labrador Inuit.

She says the highlights of her term was mostly going into communities and having open meetings where people came out and talked about their concerns.

According to Leo, there were times they might not have heard good things, but for the most part, regardless of what was said, it was always great to make connections with the people you represent in a community.

Leo says the government has certainly moved ahead during her time as President.

Her accomplishments include the Illusuak project, improvements to programs and services, an increase in living allowance for post-secondary students, accommodations and escorts for pregnant women, and financial aid for the housing crisis.

Click here to hear as we speak with Leo about these issues, and what she thinks about the provincial budget.