CRA Switching To Direct Deposit Only

The Canada Revenue Agency lists important information on their webpage for the general public.

It states that by 2016, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will not be issuing or mailing any cheques for tax and benefit programs.

This is including Child tax, Old age pension, Income support, and so on.

Time is running out for those who do not have direct deposit, so it is important for you to sign up for direct deposit today.

The Government of Canada is discontinuing issuing cheques and moving to direct deposit payments.

Canada Revenue will need personal information like your name, address and date of birth; your payment type(s) and the associated personal; identifier(s), for example: you’re Social Insurance Number (SIN) or your file number; and a “void” cheque or your bank account information.

You can enrol for direct deposit by calling CRA, or you can apply online, or in person.

You can also enrol by completing and mailing in a single direct deposit enrolment form for one or several Government of Canada payment agencies.

Such as the Canada Revenue Agency to start direct deposit for Canada Child Tax Benefit, Universal Child Care Benefit, Tax Refunds, Goods and Services Tax (GST) / Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credits.

You can also use Service Canada for your Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security.

To enrol for direct deposit, or to update your banking information, go to or call 1-800-959-8281.