NG DHSD Trauma Sessions Next Week

The Nunatsiavut Department of Health and Social Development will be hosting International Trauma Sessions next week in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

Michelle Kenny is the Deputy Minister.

She says 32 participants will be in attendance.

The group sessions will be held on April 20-24.

Kenny says they held similar group sessions in Nain and Hopedale.

The sessions will focus on Inuit history.

And will look at some of the impact of colonization, relocation, residential schools, and inner-generational trauma.

They will also focus on healing and how to move past traumatic situations.

Kenny says they focus on the impacts of their own issues with alcohol, violence, and how to cope and heal from those situations.

She says there is no age category for the group sessions.

The purpose of the training is to integrate traditional Inuit knowledge and healing practices with modern approaches to counseling.

Participants say this is a great program; it gives them more hope to help those who are working on traumas and addictions in their lives.