Amaujaq Offering $5000 Grants

According to a media release from ITK, the Amaujaq Centre is offering $5000 grants for community efforts to get kids to school.

The Center for Inuit Education is encouraging the development of innovative projects to boost school attendance.

The grants are part of a larger national parent engagement initiative aimed at getting children to school all day every day, rested and ready to learn.

Seed funding comes from the Arctic Inspiration Prize.

The prize was awarded in 2013 to Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami’s National Committee on Inuit Education, which directs the work of the Amaujaq Center.

Schools and community groups throughout Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut and the Inuvialuit settlement region of the Northwest Territories are invited to apply.

Projects must engage both parents and schools, with the goal of improving school attendance.

The deadline for proposals is Friday February 20, 2015.

Grants will be awarded in March.

We will have more coverage on this topic with Patricia D’Souza, the Senior Communications officer with ITK, at a later date.