Illusuak Advisory Committee Formed

A meeting was held about the new Torngâsok Cultural Centre, Illusuak, about 2 weeks ago in Nain.

Sarah Townley is one of the members of the newly formed Advisory Committee for the Centre.

She says the meeting went well.

Townley says they had discussions about the Advisory Committee’s rules and responsibilities.

They heard or received good points and new ideas from people who are involved and attended the meeting.

She says because there are so many diverse people within the Advisory Committee, and because there is a range of young people and elders involved, it was really well attended.

Townley says there were also discussions about how the process on Illusuak is going to work.

They also talked about how they can get stories from different communities.

Such as stories they were told as a child, and what wildlife they hunted in the spring, summer, fall and winter.

Once they have the stories, they will be emailed to the committee.

Townley says they will be holding more meetings by teleconference, probably once a month, or whenever the need may be.

Tune into our IlliniaKatigennik show tomorrow to hear Townley give you more information about the meeting that was held about Illusuak.